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Akinori Kawachi

Professor: Akinori Kawachi

My research is about future ICT such as quantum computing and IoT/Cloud-oriented
information security infrastructure. My research includes;

  • secure computation protocols which enable a use of services while protecting the privacy of both users and service providers.
  • a blockchain application protocols that allow us to share information correctly even under a distributed network which malicious and unauthorized users may join.
  • information security technology in the age of quantum computing.

Toshiyuki Yamada

Associate Professor: Toshiyuki Yamada

My research interest includes fundamental techniques for analyzing software, helping understand it and verifying its correctness. For example, I research formal methods which automatically find errors in programs written in C and Java to prevent executions of malicious programs. I also research algorithms forming the basis of high-performance software such as algorithms that can find an optimal solution in a limited time by using dataset characteristics to deal with discrete optimization problems like path planning and production planning.